
Nov. 23, 2001

�I wrote this last night but decided to give everyone a day to read my last post before I entered this one in:


�There are some people in this world who need a major kick in the ass from reality. I'll give you an example.

�I was watching the news this festive turkey munching evening and I came upon a story that is a prime example of why I HATE Irvine, California ... family oriented fucknuts who gorge themselves in their shallow lives.

�This particular evening in Orange County marks the beginning of a 24 hour waiting period for a long line of people sleeping in tents for a store to open up tomorrow morning.

  • �Are they starving and waiting for food? No, these people are from Irvine, food is not a problem.
  • �Are they here to give blood to help the needy from the Sept 11th attack? No, sir.
  • �Well, since the Sept. 11th attack, surely they're here to help someone out or to buy something extraordinarily important, right? I mean, of all times in life, wouldn't terrorist's attacks on amerika and many nation's extreme accusations of us being money grubbing, tight assed conservatives make us wonder if maybe they're right?

Nope, this is amerika, pal.
How dare you ask us to question our two faced, materialistic values!
We're perfect just the way we are!!!

�The people are waiting in line, sleeping overnight in a parking lot amongst hundreds of strangers, so they can buy ...

Name ... Brand ... Clothing

�Let me see if I can get this to sink in a lil' bit.����� *clears throat*
�Clothes that normally run at around 500 - 1,000 bucks is now on sale for 1 day only at 70% off.

$1,000 clothes.

Dresses ... shoes ... shirts ...


�And the best part? The sale starts on SATURDAY. They're waiting in line for a TICKET to be able to buy clothes in 2 FUCKING DAYS.

�This reminds me of a scene out of Fight Club:

�Tyler:�� "Do you know what a devay is?"

�Narrator:�� "It's a comforter."

�Tyler:�� "It's a blanket...it's just a blanket...now why do guys like you and I know what a devay is? Is it essential to our survival in the hunter/gatherer sense of the word? No. What are we then?"

�Narrator:�� "Consumers?"

�Tyler:�� "Right, we are consumers. We are the bi-products of a life style obsession. Murder, crime, poverty ... these things don't concern me. What concerns me are celebrity magazines, television with 500 channels, some guy's name on my underwear. Rogain, viagra, olestra ..."

�Narrator:�� "Martha Stewart ..."

�Tyler:�� "Fuck Martha Stewart. Martha's polishing the brass on the Titanic. It's all going down, man. So fuck off with your sofa units and your strain green stripe pants. I say never be complete. I say stop being perfect. I say let's evolve. Let the chips fall where they may."

I am Jack's cynical misanthropy.



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