
Sept. 07, 2001

�So I was having a conversation about an hour ago and the subject of being ill got brought up (having the flu and so on).

�its a damn disease infested world..its ridiculous to be sick all the time...although it cant be helped my way.i got a kid in public school and where i work dont help.....all you can do is your best

�ya and the dandy thing is ... scientists are finding out that germs, bacteria, and virii are mutating and over coming all our vaccinations very very slowly. So basicly they're saying that a new plague could pop up in the next like 50 years. WOOHOO!
�I only hope that it takes the christians away first so I can have some peace n fuckin quiet.

�yeah but can we be so lucky lol


�they r like cockroaches

�Well if the world can be "blessed" with serial killers and people like hitler, then maybe we can be "blessed" to the opposite spectrum. I say "blessed" loosely, because basicly, if these assholes can get away with mass murder for years, then maybe one day the Christians can have a holocaust smacked down on them. It's a hope. It's a dream. Maybe a fart in the breeze, but hey ... I got a lot more beans where that came from, baby! :oP
�(boy I'm on a role today)

�You should make a rant since yer on a role lol

Well, here ya go.

Oh and vote for a sticker. I'm getting them made as we speak.



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