

Taken from the pages of "Coyote Satan Amerika"
by Reverend Steven Johnson Leyba

I don't believe in America, Rockwell, Joan Cleaver, or my mom and her plastic tits, apple pie, baseball or hot dogs fastened with the scrap of bovine tripe, anuses, and vaginal cow discard;
The backbone of our Mythological Freedom.

�I don't believe in conspicuous consumption without purpose, or the manufacture of meanings by multitude corporations, or the rape of DNA sustenance from our foods for profit.

�I don't believe in God we trust,
�or devine right of manifest destiny or progress.

�I don't believe in the checks and balances of the bombing of brown peoples' countries, or the sexual anarchy of their bleeding dismemberments, proof of America's greatness.

�I don't believe in "The American Dream" as I slave away and live from hand to mouth to feed the lazy leisure class that produces nothing and take up space; let them eat "The Shit of my Shorts!"

�I don't believe in the premature ejaculation of the severed rapist cock of Columbus or his shit stained panties of discovery.

�I don't believe in the power of distraction of the sex parts of the latest celebrity zero, is that the final frontier?

I don't believe in this "over-developed" nation, a land of stolen promise and spiritual bankruptcy.

�I don't believe in "The Land of Promises, Promises, Promises". What did you say? Promise me I'm not of the first generation to inherit what has all been used up.

�I don't believe the government is looking out for my best interest or that they should or could.

�I don't believe in the Xenophobic incarceration of those of the darker skin or race - no matter what chain gang corporation is in charge of that "All American, Exploitation".

�I don't believe in any president or leader of any nation --they are silly mascots for the ruling corporation and their chicken shit leaders.

�I don't believe in people that are T-shirted and billboarded --sporting the logo of the latest criminally inane product or company --why do they so willingly advertise their latest oppressor?

�I don't believe in the jurisdiction of government and law enforcement's power over the people; who in the fuck is paying their bills?

�I don't believe in Jesus Christ --put a crown of thorns around your neck and lead you anywhere.

�I don't believe in the U.S. Government's Bureau of Indian affairs --now who's business is that anyway?

�I don't believe in myself on television because it shits --it's an "Orifice of Reality."

�I don't believe in going on the "American Way" in America, the "Land of Stereotypical Opportunity."

�I don't believe in Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, Communes, Atheism, Monarchy, Anarchy, Anachronisms, Marxisms, Socializing Economic Darwinisms, Alcoholism or Americanism!

�I don't believe in the christian fetus-police killing doctors for christ- How about a christian for a fetus?
Can't they be more like that crucified stupidhero?

�I don't believe in the social restraint of clothing the sincerity of naked children

�I don't believe in saying grace, but I do believe in giving thanks unto Satan and rejoicing in the goodwill he has shown us.

�I don't believe in conspiracy- it always ends in idiocy.
I don't believe in in logical conclusions.
I don't believe in in evil, only Evel Knievel!
I don't believe in in the next generation of a force fed nation
I don't believe the law of ciminalized futures.
I don't believe in the E Pluribus of anyone's Unum.
I don't believe in flag, country, church, or state.
I don't believe in truth and its saleable lies.
I don't believe in society and it's unnatural propriety.
I don't believe in the asphyxiating of our outspoken by fame or fortune.

�I don't believe in in obscurity or the suspension of disbelief.
I don't believe in "Them", "They", or the "Other".
I don't believe in "We the People," "we" never did anything for "me".
I don't believe in not looking up the dresses of every girl in the nation.
I don't believe
I don't believe
I don't believe
I don't believe
I don't believe
I don't believe

"I Don't Believe" by Reverend Steven Johnson Leyba



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