

I was making a sandwhich the other day, cause ya know, I was hungry. And my room mate comes in and he's getting a glass of water. I'm gettin the mayo out and the ketchup and I'm having to go to the bathroom pretty bad. But I'm acting normal, right? So I'm about to go to the restroom ... you know, *head* towards the restroom? you can't very well just pee in the middle of the kitchen. Well you could, but you'd probably lose friends. ...and if you didn't, those friends are probably fuckin strange ... Anyways, so I'm about to head to the restroom and I start thinking

"ya know, what if he has to go, too? what if he's holding it in and faking not being in pain, just like I am? Or more interestingly, what if he has to fart or ejaculate right now but he's holding it in until I leave?"

Ya, I know, I got too much time on my hands, but check this out, ok? I know you're thinking, so what? right? He has to fart, he has to pee, he has to jizz. He's a human being, right? Who cares what he has to do, we're all the same inside, so why make a big deal about it?

So what's racism about then? Huh? What's racism and sexism about? We're all the same inside. We all poop, we all pee, we all fart. We all jizz, burp, blink, love, lust, feel, cry. So why do we hate eachother for what's on the outside?

I can understand culturism, but not racism or sexism. Culturism is where some cultures don't get along. And hey, that's normal. Republican conservative right wing Christian moralists aren't going to very well go laugh it up with a pot smoking, beer guzzling, porno loving homosexual jamacan, ya know? But why hate eachother just because we have a certain pigment or certain sets of genitalia? It's absurd!

It would be like hating you because you have brown hair. Or the guy next door because he has different facial hair than I do. It's just hair, right? It's just a goatee, a mustache, curls, bangs, etc. Hair is hair, dicks are dicks, tits are nice ... and skin ... is just skin.



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