

I was at audio galaxy today and found this statement on one of the boards (subject matter: Marijuana):

ruggoodlookin - Green fucks your mind, demotivates, dependent drug

for all shitpots of society. It is proven to trigger psychotic illnesses,you become a bludger and have fuck all motivation, and you end up a drop kick (fuckwit).It has more dangerous chemicals than tobacco, ie over 1000.The shit i hear that sick people need it is a load of shit, it's all in the mind. When you become dependent on it you lose apetite...i know many people who are addicted, fucked up no-hoping idiots with no future. Also i smoked,grew the shit and dealed for 19 yrs. I have seen the light and given up and never felt better in my life..I get off on the brains natural chemicals and advise young people to give the shit away..DOPE is for DOPES and SHITPOTS

1. If he had smoked and dealt for his supposed 19 years, then he, as he said in his statement, should have psychotic illnesses and would be currently a "drop kick (fuckwit)."

2. Carl Sagan, a top notch, highly respected scientist at NASA smoked weed on a regular basis. How's that for a "no-hoping idiot with no future"?

3. Unless *you* yourself have ever had a fucking illness to where you may need drugs to help you (in this case - cancer, glaucoma, AIDS, etc.) you have no fucking right to say whether it's "all in the mind" or not. Have I ever seen an AIDS patient? No. Do I believe they could need it? Some yes. I've known someone very close to me who went through the horrors and battles of chemo. They never used it but I know they should have. It would have helped suppress their nausea. How do I know? I've smoked weed after being too drunk to sleep and it helped me keep from throwing up. I by no means believe that that is a case n point situation, but if it helped some intoxicated fucker on legal poisons keep from vomiting, I think it can help keep a dying suffering patient from going through the same, or worse.

4. Patients who need marijuana need it because it eases the pain, calms the nausea, and triggers the appetite. People who used it for their pain have lived far longer through their dying process and in better health and well being than those without. I've seen these affects first hand. The pharmacy drugs used to help in the same way have to be taken in pill form, which means they have to be digested. When you are nauseous, as most chemo patients are, you CANNOT DIGEST THIS. Which means you suffer. If you smoke marijuana, you don't have to digest anything, you feel less pain, don't feel the need to vomit (which chemo does to you), and you actually eat because you feel the need to. You gain weight and get back to health.

5. In animal testing (and I hate to use this in a rant because I am HIGHLY AGAINST such things) they have found no results that it causes any physical addiction. And lemme tell ya, it broke my heart to read this, but they gassed those poor fuckers with a buttload of pot. More than any human could withstand. And what did they find after they stopped? Not a damn thing. Only thing they found was it lowered sperm count slightly when being used. And when they were off of Marijuana for about a week? Right back to normal.

6. Obviously the fucknut didn't do his research. Tobacco has over 100 worse chemicals than Marijuana. Today Marijuana is less potent than it used to be and is rarely ever grown with pesticides because it has to be grown in doors. It is inhaled a lot less often than cigarettes (cigarettes smokers smoke at least 10 - 20 cigarettes plus a day or more whereas most habitual pot smoker, a rarity, smoke about half that and don't inhale as deeply).

7. If you wanna get technical, most pot dealers smoke their own grass. Most pot dealers make a BUTTLOAD of money. Most pot dealers have to be motivated so they can make their $ and make rent and bills, just like everyone else. Most pot dealers are highly motivated. Just not in the ways that the anti-drug lobby would like them to be. Does that make them wrong? They sell a plant to people. It's not coke, it's not crack, it's an herb. It's not even an extract. How could it be any more harmful than cigarettes and alcohol, BOTH PROVEN TO BE HIGHLY ADDICTIVE AND CORROSIVE to various body parts?

Let's play Devil's advocate here, k?

Cigarettes are legal. They cause cancer. They cause emphasema. They cause asthma.

Alcohol is legal. It causes liver failure. It is one of the leading causes to driving deaths and abuse in the home.

They're both addictive. They're both legal.

In comparison to straight, non-laced marijuana ... where there is not one case that states that a person smoked up weed and then raped, beat, or murdered someone ...

Why is it illegal when these other two aren't?



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