
Mar. 13, 2003

Subj: You are an idiot. 
Date: 3/13/2003 2:54:08 PM Pacific Standard Time
[email protected]
To: [email protected]

First of all your hole website is nothing more than the ramblings of a madman. If you had a clue as to what you where talking about you might be dangerous. As for the differences between bill clinton and George Bush, miles apart. The biggest difference being morals which you know nothing about, evident by your web site. The best advice I can give you is that you need to try and find God. Yes he will even accept you, but if you will not do that then your best bet is to get out of this country since you hate it, and everything it stands for. We really don't want you here anyway. Remember In God We Trust. That was, and still is for a lot of people, the foundation this country was started on. 

  First of all, you used 'hole' instead of 'whole', which is the wrong word to use in the sentence. Freudian slip, perhaps?

  Second of all, thank you for calling me an idiot. It brings joy to my heart to see that I have touched the nerves of a complete stranger with just my opinion.

  Thirdly, this country, that you seem to be in complete approval of, is founded on Freedom of Speech. You remember the first amendment, right? It's that groovy item that says that I can openly publish what I want as long as it doesn't break the law. I've had this web site running for almost 2 years now, and have over 50 - 100 people reviewing it's contents everyday. I would think that if I were doing something illegal with it, one of those persons would have informed me by now. So I suppose you'll just have to do the good christian thing and deal with it.

  The best advice I can give you is to try to seek some extra satisfaction in your life to fill this angry void you seem to have inside. I suggest getting a blow job. You seem to be in dire need of one.

 And lastly, let me ask you something, my friend. What is a narrow-minded half-wit of a snobby, republican christian, like yourself, doing at a web site called 'Diary of an Atheist', anyway? As I say to all my detractors, I never sent you my web site. I never email it to you, I never spammed you with it, and I certainly didn't invite you here. So why would you waste the precious time you have left on earth reading this site, that obviously offends you, when you could be doing more constructive things with it like praying to your god? Maybe you should spend less of your energy getting upset at what I type and more of it trying to be like Jesus -- spreading love and loving thy neighbor instead of telling them to get out of this 'Freedom of Speech'-based country.

  Oh and one more little tidbit of information for ya:

  'In God We Trust' wasn't placed on coins until January 18, 1837 and also wasn't placed on all of our currency (dollar bills, etc) until June 29, 1955 by Lyndon B. Johnson. The national motto 'In God We Trust' was not put into effect until July 30, 1956.
(verification link)

  Put that in your pipe n smoke it :)



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