
Oct. 28, 2001

�I'm going to be doing some spring cleaning and editing out the entries that have little or no relevance to the diary. If I remove a favorite of yours, let me know and I'll either send it to you or, if I get enough requests, repost it.

�Till then here's some eye candy for you:


A friend of mine wrote:

�� I woke up this morning and was reading a new magazine (Marie Claire) because I was bored. I came to an article, "Which woman would you be most likely to sleep with?" (for men). It gave a profile of 3 women - one was really promiscuous and kinky, one was middle of the road, and one was nearly virginal and not kinky at all. Well, most of the men polled picked either the promiscuous one or the middle one, BUT...they picked them because they were like, "I'm not interested in dating right now, I just want sex, and being with a prude isn't going to help that." Argh!! Why do men think that if a woman has slept with tons of guys and is sexually adventurous then they can just use her for a night or two?? Maybe that woman didn't want most of her experiences!! Maybe that's how she was in the past!! Not that I'm speaking from experience or anything ;)...but damn that just burned my ass.

My reply:

�� You have to realize that of all the people who read and answer those polls, 99% of them are shallow, self centered assholes and cunts who think a magazine is going to change their life or solve their problems. If people had any ounce of realistic expectations and desires of life, those magazines wouldn't sell worth crap. But since most of them want to live in their own little delusional world filled with invisible men in the sky, presidents who are as pure as gold, and magazines who have the answers to life for only 2.95 - 4.95 an issue, these sleaze-mags-for-women sell like hot cakes. �And trust me ... any magazine that tries to give you tips on how to "Trick Your Man Into Making Tex-Mex" or shows you the "Warning Signs: He May Be Cheating" by asking you if he washes his own under wear ... it's fuckin' sleaze, man, pure 'n simple.


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