
Nov. 03, 2001

�Back when the attacks first started happening, I posted a rant stating (basically)

"well, folks, we finally bombed a nation of brown people that got sick of it and aren't gunna take it anymore".

�Afterwards I retracted the rant because I wanted to find out more information about the situation before opening my big mouth. And ya know something? I truly regret withdrawing it.

�Now this is going to offend a LOT of you people out there, but then again, when the fuck have I ever done this to please the masses? You know I'm not a fan of the machines working behind amerika's systems and politics. Why should this be any different?

�I don't believe that amerika is completely innocent of attacking, and pissing off, these middle eastern nations prior to the NYC/Washington DC attacks. Off and on we've been bombing and taking advantage of those fuckers for YEARS. They say Osama Bin Ladin just came out of no where and started attacking amerikans for no good reason? Ya, and JFK was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald, too.

�Now do I agree with Osama? FUCK NO. I think that shit fuck should writhe in agony and have his nuts twisted in a pair of searing hot vice grips until he coughs up blood and chokes on his own bile. And I mean that in the harshest way possible. But have you ever stopped to think that big, bad ass amerika could also truly be what the rest of the world considers us ... ? (i.e. - the bullies of the world)

�Take Iraq for example. We armed the living shit outta them and then pretended that we didn't know what they were going to use the arms for. So what does Mr. George "I'm not a pussy" BUSH do to gain points? Turns around and bombs the people he sold the arms to. WOULD THIS NOT PISS YOU OFF, TOO?? This is the same kinda similar bullshit that the Native Americans went through before.�

"Oh don't worry ... we'll give ya a couple things and we'll keep our promises!"

and we all know how THAT turned out.

� What's interesting is that I was listening to Art Bell back in late '99 and there were several people on his show saying that a lot of terrorists were talking about bombing places in New York, especially during the world series, and were talking about putting anthrax in the water supply and attacking people with the deadly virus.

Sound familiar?

�This isn't a new event people. This has been in the planning stages for years. And I do suspect that we're far from over with this. The attacks with the planes were a way to wake us up. The anthrax was another route to attack ... an area we'd never think of and a new angle to knock us off guard. And there will be plenty more in different areas. Mark my words, friends. It's not going to be over for a while and it does have even me somewhat worried.

�They know we'd just start shielding our shit with the planes and try to do everything possible to appease the masses so everyone could go back to feeling safe once again in our oh so precious 'amerikan dream' *sniff*� That's why they're using other methods and going other routes to smack our collective asses. This has been in planning for a very very long time and I don't think it's anywhere close to being over.

� We're not invincible, folks, no matter how much we want to believe we are. And we're now just slowly figuring this fact out. We all want to smile proudly with our newly donned amerikan flags hanging from our automobiles, driving back to our cozy lil' homes with our spiffy keen 3.5 children and family dog, so we can once again go back to fucking our significant others and our girl/boy toys on the side while sniffing the cocaine that we all supposedly never touch. We're just a bunch of swell 2 faced bastards, ain't we?

�Our amerikan arrogance matches so closely to Osama's buttfucked views of the our side of the world (extremity wise) that it just aggravates the shit outta me.

Is he a prick?

Should he die?
Most certainly.

Are we an innocent nation?
Fuck no.

�And I think anyone who believes that we're pristine statues in the face of the world should not only choke on their own foot but also vomit up the toe fungus and cheese caked corns that come with that territory.

�This ain't over guys. Get used to it. This is what happens when you finally piss off a nation of extremists that have nothing but time and zombie followers on their hands.



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