

�So I'm reading my email, right? Cause that's the kind of wacky bastard that I am. And I get a new submission to my diary ring for anal sex. And out of curiosity, I go and I check out their diary for the helluvit. (side note: I find it interesting that the majority of people in the anal sex diary ring are chicks ... now *that* I dig).

�So I'm reading her diary and I come across an entry on god and jesus that caught my attention. Take a few seconds to read it so I don't have to explain what the hell I'm talking about here. I'll wait.


�*twiddles thumbs*

�*plays Parcheesi*

�*masturbates in own feces*

�Oh, you're done? Damn, I was having fun there.

�Anywho, so I'm reading this entry and agreeing with a lot of it. It's not the highest intellectual caliber, but it does show an individualist's mind. No matter what level you think at, I admire someone who can get past the monotony and spoon fed BS of Christian thought.

�But then I come across a portion of her entry that really bothered me ...

�"I'm so extemly sorry if I have offended you or your beliefs for god. If you have any complaints please e-mail me and I will write back to you and apoligize or help in any way."

�Why? Why apologize for having an opposing opinion? So you insulted or offended people when you wrote your thoughts down for others to read .... SO WHAT?

�I get so many people sending me emails and putting entries in my guest book (both past and present) telling ME how I am wrong and how they are right. Where is *their* apology? Where is their humbleness to admit they might be wrong? Christians and homophobes have got to be the most closed minded, arrogant pricks on the face of this mud ball. And I find it devastatingly ironic that we are led to live in a country that teaches us to conform to Christian ideals and yet has the audacity to tell us we should be rebels and have free expression and thought. Talk about an endless Catch 22.

�Amy, your diary may not be as in depth as I enjoy things to be, but you are on your way to non-conformist individuality. Please don't ruin it with apologies. You are entitled to your own opinions. Fuck everyone who opposes you. It's not their life you're leading, it's yours. Do it for yourself, not for them.



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