

I'm so sick of this "rock music killed my kids" bullshit that's going around. You can't blame rock music for some dipshit killing kids at their school. You can't ban rock and metal for that shit. The manson family got inspired by Charles Manson's words to go out and kill a bunch of people. Who did Charlie get inspired by? THE BEATLES! I don't see you trying to ban them.

"Well the Beatles were a light happy band."

Hey, just because it isn't your fucking pallet doesn't give you the right to try to band freedom of expression. If you ban Marilyn Manson for the Columbine thing then you gotta band the Beatles for the Charlie Manson thing. Wake up and smell the intellect, ladies and gentleman.

"Well the Beatles were light n happy and never sang about murder n death n drugs n yada yada yada...."

"....Lucy in the Skyyyyy...with Diamonds...."

Listen, fuck heads, do your research before you start spouting off your pro-happiness feces.

"We all live in a yellow submarine..."

We all live in a yellow submarine? Don't fucking tell me Ringo wasn't stoned as hell when he wrote that. Just because it sounds light doesn't mean it's good.

And banality is *not* a good substitute for morals, man. The backstreet boys teach your prepubescent children to get horny. Ya.

"Oh, don't pick on the backstreet boys. They're good, clean, and wholesome."

Have you ever sat down and watched these little bastards with the sound off? They're a fuckin' masculine Jennifer Lopez video. They may get kooky and zany sometimes, but when they take off their shits, drench watch over themselves, and talk about "getting it on", that's fuckin sex right there. And you let your kids watch that shit.

I'd rather let my kids watch Marilyn Manson. I'd rather let them listen to Jimmy Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Glenn Danzig, and all those other SATAN bands, ya know why? Cause they speak from the heart, #1. And #2? I'm going to be a good enough parent to watch their videos, read their lyrics, know what they are promoting, and I'm ALSO going to be a good enough parent to interact with my kids and bring them up well enough to know that killing, rape, murder, and violence is only good for going to jail and getting ass fucked by Bubba. So don't tell me that Britney Spears is a wholesome Disney icon for my kids. She's cute, she's got a good voice, but she dresses like a slut. At least Trent Rezner and all them rock stars dress what they preach. These little corperate spin off boy bands talking about how they'd never hurt your daughter's precious little heart while gyrating their hips and going through the dance motions that people used to ban MADONNA for? We've turned into a nation of fucking hyprocrites, folks. And I, for one, have no problem with being one of the first to stand up and say it. "We are fucked".



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