
Sept. 05, 2001

�Sometime after the Columbine incident, reports came out by Pat Robertson's "700 Club" claiming that a certain young girl, Cassie Bernall, was reading her bible in the library when the boys stormed the building. Robertson went on to say that one of the boys asked her, while she was on her knees, if she believed in god. He said that her response was "Yes" and then the boy shot her. Other stories around this time, by Robertson, said that he claimed the shooter laughed and stated "where's your God now?"

�Afterwards, the grief stricken mother wrote a book about the incident and her feelings on everything. Soon before the book was about to be published, the official report came back saying that the boy did *not* say this to the young girl, nor was she reading her bible, but was in fact studying for a Shakespeare exam. But the mother went ahead and published the book anyway, selling nearly 300,000 copies with reorders coming in, making a *LOT* of money off the sales (it is, of course, one of the biggest events in recent history). There is also talk of a movie deal.

�A few things:

  1. �Why the FUCK is Pat Robertson not held responsible for his misstatements and for martyring the child in question? It's gross misconduct to lie about the killing of an innocent child just to boost your own ratings.
  2. �It's fuckin sick how the mother would cash in on her own child's death, especially when she *knew* the official report stated otherwise to Mr. Robertson's claims.

I'll tell you why both of these things occurred. Because christianity, in whole or in part, is a vile delusion of the human mind. And it goes hand in hand with denial and deception.

Why did Pat Robertson not get any smack down on his misstatements?

  • The media wouldn't attack him. The situation, they felt, was too sensitive, and they didn't wish to stir up any more turmoil than already occurred ... which is fuckin ironic since they already stirred the shit out of the story and sucked every last ounce of vital fluid it contained from the get go. This also means a child's death was LIED about and no one is going to say jack shit about it because he's a religious leader. What the fuck has this country come to? Sounds to me like the "moral" majority of this "great land of ours" is crawling with inbred trailer trash and the emotionally inept.
  • Another thing that keeps Robertson from being held responsible is the denial of the mother and father in question. Why would mommy and daddy, in their time of deepest woe, question a huge spiritual leader when he's glorifying their daughter? This is exactly the gross immorality I was speaking of earlier, not to mention a huge step into the denial kiddy pool.

And I must say, for the record, fuck Cassie Bernall. With the Jews, Native Americans, and other groups through out time having been persecuted, tortured, and massacred by christians and other "moral" majority groups, she's just one tiny *white* speck chipped off of another brick in the wall. She wasn't shit before, she isn't shit now, and I think it's pathetic how people want me to feel sorry for her just because she got shot. People get killed every day. She was nothing special.

And one final note ... where are these media vampyres when black kids and hispanics shoot up their schools or when some "minority" is involved in a gun shooting? Ya don't see much press on that, do ya? Only when whittie is involved.



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