

�Recently I received a private message in my guestbook:

�"Hey man I'm a christian and I just wanted to let you know that I love you and that I'm praying for you. I mean it" - Mustardhead

�Great. Pray for me. There are kids out there starving on the streets, or being battered or molested, or people dying of horrible diseases, or innocent animals who are being used cruelly as objects for unneeded scientific experiments, or millions of others who would deserve this attention ... but no. You reserve your unrequested, useless love and prayer time on someone who writes what he feels and pisses people off in the process.

This idea reminds me of rich people who spend a few bucks on saving people across the seas because it's trendy to do and looks good when they don a self righteous "I saved Ethiopians" bumper sticker on the back of their porche 911. Sure, it's a decent cause, but why not start here in the homeland that made you rich? It's a shit country, but still, if you're going to be spending your money to help people, why not start in your home town?

�You don't do it to help. You do it to look good. You do it to make yourself feel better. You don't give a shit about the feelings or lives of those you are trying to "save".

�Your empty love and useless prayer is like a candy bar: it serves no real purpose except to make the person who devours it a fat, inflated pig. To some it tastes sweet, but it provides no true sustenance, and those who live on it for years end up miserable, empty, and disgusting to even look at. And the person who produces it feels a sense of pride when their product is complete and devoured because they have bullshitted themselves into thinking that they are carrying on a "tradition". What you really are carrying on is the emotional fattening of sheep. And we all know what happens to those who go "bah ah ah ah ah".



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