
Oct. 26, 2001

�I watch this insane world claw at me through it's television portals and use it's media ropes to try to tether around my neck. Your society suffocates me beyond belief and it makes me wonder why more postal workers haven't snapped by now and blown up a bus full of nuns.

�Your 2 faced moral society sickens me with your Barbie doll wanna-be's telling amerika to "just be yourself" while their ken doll, plastic mold boyfriends take them out to eat at restaurants that need reservations on a fucking MONDAY NIGHT for fuck's sake! There they spend hundreds of dollars to eat aesthetically-pleasing-to-the-eye (artsy fartsy looking) food that wouldn't fill a fuckin caterpillar let alone their 110 lbs anorexic asses.

�And then I turn around and I proceed stare this godless god-fearing society right in the face when I watch this chatter box on my nightstand. Every other second is a commercial product trying to shove itself down my throat by explaining to me that it's the new "hip thing".

  • �I must go out and buy your Mountain Dew 'Code Barf' product because it's hip to the black man in your commercial.
  • �I must go out and purchase a cellular pager phone because some skinny lookin' kalifornia cunt cops an attitude with her boyfriend after he misses his train and she just doesn't have time in her busy ("what-ever") life to wait on him.
  • �I must go out and buy your taco products, your cola products, your shirts, your shoes, your 1-800-FUCKING-COLLECT because Michael Jordan or Carrot Top say it's A-OK.

�Do they think I'm that fucking stupid? Well, obviously there are a lot of gullible morons in the world, but I don't need a fucking celebrity to tell me what's right. Some of us assholes have enough insight to see through the plexiglas fake smiles you portray while you whore your already sold souls to the biggest rapist of this fucked up nation ... big business.�

�You want to know why amerikan kids are fucked up? It's because you force feed them garbage and expect them to like it.

The argument to this is ...
"well, they all seem to buy it, so it must work!"

�When you feed a cat or a dog some shitty, smelly pet food, what do they do?

They eat it.



�If you bring a steak or burger around a cat or dog, what do they do?

They drool
They whimper
They rub against your leg
in short...


�They know where the good shit is. They know it's taste, it's smell, it's feel.

�And we're exactly the same. We know the good shit, but most of us have been fed such bullshit for so long that we're too caught up in the world's trivial crapola to realize that we're being fed fuckin GARBAGE.�

�Case and point:�� Scaturday Night Live

�How the fuck, after 25 years, can people keep watching these over rated, wanna-be comedians turned hopeful actors, walk on stage and blatantly read every line from a cue card while staring off to the side instead of where they're supposed to be? Are they so fuckin lazy they can't memorize a script? Or are the writers so fuckin lazy they can't come up with something good earlier in the week? Regardless of either case, Scaturday Night Live drivel has persisted for 20 years too many.

And why is it still on the air?


�Turn your fuckin TVs off. Stop going to shitty movies like "Dude, Where's My Car" or "Get Over It". The days of stupid-heroes-gone-famous went out with Bill and Ted and Beavis and Butthead. GIVE IT A REST!

�If you keep letting this shit seep into your brains you will become what they want you to be .. spineless, money spending, gag-line vomiting morons ... the people who constantly piss me off.

�And ya know what's sad? No matter what I say or do, no matter what *you* say or do, and no matter what anyone does ... the majority will always be mindless, worthless, denial-ridden sheep who'll keep buying corporate logo t-shirts because their favorite sports figure tells them to. They'll keep buying tit jobs or throwing up their tofu lunch or jogging until they pass out from constant dehydration because they want a better self esteem and they'll keep going to see shitty movies because the supposed critics and "experts" say "two thumbs up!".

And people wonder why I'm misanthropic.



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