
Apr. 15, 2002

Satanism FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

[Version 2.2; All contents below were written and copyrighted by Matt G. Paradise .]

  • "What is Satanism?"

    Satanism has been referred to as an "unreligion" in the sense that it does not subscribe to the notion of an anthropomorphic deity and, by extension, some being who must be worshiped, its most common misconception. Others say that Satanism is redefining religion to some extent, not content with the dictates of Judeo-Xtian strictures. Both are valid opinions.

    � Satanism is often described as being a de facto personality type as, in the words of Anton LaVey, 'Satanists are born, not made.' To try is to lie. It takes a certain set of predispositions to accurately label oneself a Satanist, to naturally feel at home with all that Satanism entails. Satanism, as a philosophy, can be potentially taken and learned from by a large percentage of the population, but this does not make one a Satanist, but perchance Satanic. Qualities such as cowardice, insecurity, self-loathing, drug addiction, stupidity, constant life failures, unconditional niceness, and lack of direction (and, believe me, there are MANY more) are clear indicators that the person in question and the title of Satanist are NOT compatible. For such a person, Satanism isn't a direct reflection of one's core (as it is with Satanists), it can only be a human improvement program at best, which is valid. This is one distinction that many, be they Satanic hopeful or earnest researcher, would be better off to recognize.

    � It must be stressed that critically reading The Satanic Bible by Anton Szandor LaVey is tantamount to understanding at least the basics of Satanism. It says far more, especially in its subtlety, than I could in this informational page. Perusing some of the Satanic magazines published by Church of Satan members and officials will lend some insight into Satanism in motion, as a working model. And of course, websites published by these same folks (including myself) are also useful.

  • � "Who is Satan?"

    In Satanism, Satan is an archetype, a representation of certain qualities that the Satanist embodies including rational self-interest, avoidance of oppressive mentalities, the questioning of all, and a perseverance towards success and human potential. The Satanic Bible encapsulates this iconography in The Nine Satanic Statements, which are thus:

    � 1) Satan represents indulgence, instead of abstinence!
    � 2) Satan represents vital existence, instead of spiritual pipe dreams!
    � 3) Satan represents undefiled wisdom, instead of hypocritical self-deceit!
    � 4) Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates!
    � 5) Satan represents vengeance, instead of turning the other cheek!
    � 6) Satan represents responsibility to the responsible, instead of concern for psychic vampires!
    � 7) Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his "divine spiritual and intellectual development," has become the most vicious animal of all!
    � 8) Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification!
    � 9) Satan has been the best friend the church has ever had, as he has kept it in business all these years!

    � Inherently, the Satanic archetype is far more diverse than the limited Christian interpretation. Satanism, to one degree or another, embraces numerous cultural and religious ideas, concepts and imagery such as those of ancient Rome and ancient Greece, Egyptian, Zoroasterism, Asatru, Aztec, Hindu and a multitude of others. We also find the Satanic persona emanating from some or all of the literary works of Milton, Nietzsche, Mencken, Maugham, Twain, Rand, Jung, and many more. To say that Satanism is inverse Christianity is both ignorant and shortsighted.

  • � "Where can I find an online version of The Satanic Bible?"

    For the server's sake, hopefully nowhere. The Satanic Bible is a copyrighted work. Portions may be used in quotations or used for educational purposes (such as the Fair Use laws of the United States dictate), but there is some hefty litigation awaiting the fool who offers the entire tome electronically. LaVey's death also does not negate this copyright: the work is secured until, at the very soonest, 2047 C.E.. I run into this question constantly and it always amazes me how lazy or cheap people must be to find it difficult to get up, go to a bookstore, and plop down six dollars for a paperback. If you're having difficulty finding TSB, there are numerous online booksellers (including us, through an association with amazon.com) that sell the basic Satanic texts. Needless to say, if you are of the lackadaisical bent, you are no Satanist.

  • � "What is the difference between Satanism and devil worship?"

    Satanism and devil worship are two distinctly different animals. Devil worship is what it is: the worship of an external deity, much as it could be labeled inverse Xtianity. The Satan in Satanism is an archetype, one many know by name and is relative to the culture. Some Satanists choose different aspects of this archetype, depending on geography or just plain aesthetics, but the same characteristics still hold true. It would make little sense for us to claim to embody the archetypal qualities of Satan (rebellion, rational self-interest, carnality, etc.) on one hand, and then attempt to worship an anthropomorphic Satan on the other. In laymen's terms, it's hardly rebellious to worship a figure that represents rebellion. Devil worshipers need to be subjugated, ask for it by their own actions. The Satanist finds such unproductive and one-sided idol worship to be draining and useless (not to mention hypocritical). Much of this is aptly mentioned in The Satanic Bible and the other books I've listed in the Satanism section of this website.

  • � "Are all of those atrocious and illegal acts people say you commit true?"

    The Church of Satan harshly frowns upon the commision of any illegal act. If you choose to do so, you do it of your own volition and without the approval and consent of the Church of Satan. That is free will and it has consequences. We have stated since the inception that Satanism has nothing to do with animal or human sacrifice (the top of page 89 of The Satanic Bible states this in black and white, quite clearly). Likewise, we are against child molestation because we hold children in such high regard, seeing them as natural magicians, beings much closer to their nature than most of the consumer-programmed adults out there. If a Church of Satan member is convicted for a serious crime, particularly a violent one and one that violates the tenets of Satanism, that person's membership is often revoked. And, yes, we have kicked people out of the CoS.

  • � "Why do you say 'Hail Satan'?"

    This is my take on this fairly common question:

    � 1) 'Hail Satan!' (the exclamation point is optional, though preferred) is often another way of saying 'Hail Me!' Since we Satanists embody the qualities of The Great Archetype, Satan, it stands to reason that the phrase is both apropos and analogous. You very well could say 'Hail Me!' instead, but keep in mind this...

    � 2) 'Hail Satan!' is also a salute to our achievements (both collective and, more importantly, individual), ethics, and heritage. It is a statement of pride in defiance of a polyglot, egalitarian, and ignorant way of life represented by the nauseating Christ ethos and its followers. If we have signed any pact with Satan, it is this.

  • � "What do you mean by 'Alien Elite'?"

    We use the phrase 'Alien Elite' to describe ourselves. Often, it is the shortsightedness of people that disallows them to comprehend what this phrase means, even if they've read all of our books, magazines, and websites. Typically, they skip the word 'alien.' A big mistake, considering that it is an important modifier in the term. What it means is that we, as Satanists, are largely alien in the society at large: we do not generally subscribe to the disposable, consumer-obsessed culture that others do, our issues are different, the stands we take are often neither right or left but something else entirely, we question everything in a world that mostly goes along with established thought and rarely inquires as to how or why, and we simply represent something that most do not (some could say that we are not like most) -- all of this is in step with the archetype of Satan which we embrace. And we also embrace this alienation. By living such a pure and undiluted life, we are, in many ways, better than most of the human sheep. By being a minority (and we will always be a minority due to the laws of nature -- she simply does not give all of her gifts to all people) and possessing forward-thinking values that are above the interest of the masses, plus add the intellect and instinct, the creativity and the resourcefulness, and all of those qualities reflected in our books, we are indeed the Alien Elite.

  • "Anton LaVey is merely ripping off Nietzsche."

    Extremely limited (and limiting) thinking, indeed. When LaVey refers to an idea, concept, or quote derived or taken from someone else, he often cites the author, either in the paragraph or in the indices of his books. If anything LaVey writes seems or is similar to past concepts, oftentimes, it is augmented with modern circumstances, his own thoughts, and is analogous to our philosophy. Seeing that Satanism is a work in progress, something like science meets philosophy, we are fully justified in choosing the concepts of old, working with them in our context and taking them into the future. (If we didn't, who else would?) Same thing scientists, doctors, psychologists, and many other professionals do. Nothing would get done if individuals merely went along with established thought and never added to it. It's evolution, pure and simple.

  • "The Church of Satan charges application fees for membership and further involvement and accepts money from people. Sounds like your garden-variety tent-show evangelist scam."

    First off, you are probably confusing two different terms. The Church of Satan is an organization. Satanism is a religion. Since we are one of the few (if not, one of the ONLY) religions whose organized body REJECTS the tax exempt status other religions cling to, the CoS accepts money to keep it moving, and we pay BACK into the economic system. ("Responsibility to the responsible.") Also, there seem to be a couple presuppositions hiding under your statement. The first is that we should feel "bad" or "humble" about money. Why? We are Satanists. Most of us appreciate success in one form or another and, in business, we know that money often enough helps this along. We lay our cards on the table and have no problem with it. If a credible Satanist pays into the CoS, he or she does this in support, and does it knowingly because he or she is wise, like all good Satanists are. If your average ignoramus throws money at the CoS, the organization is happy to take that, too. But, it is the idiot, not the CoS, who should be held responsible because, quite frankly, we didn't rush up to his house with Uzis, drag him to the ATM, and make him empty out his account for us. You don't even have to be a member of the CoS to be a Satanist, so no money is required, unlike that required by others for tithes, collection plates, and holy corn meal. (The monetary fee, by extension, also keeps out most of the trend chasers, the occultniks, and the terrorists. We don't want them and we won't put up with them.) The second presupposition lies in your penchant for equating us with the model of religion which Xtianity ostensibly portrays. It has been adequately stated and PROVEN that Satanism is not inverse Xtianity. It's an old point. Tell the Judeo-Xtian churches to pay THEIR taxes and see what they say. The differences are enormous.

  • "I don't agree with your philosophies -- therefore, I will condemn your religion."

    Go ahead. It's your ignorant prerogative. But, it does seem to me that, by stating that, you really can't deal with what other people do unless you can get involved in it. If you are such a herd-dependent and weak individual, you would undoubtedly make a ridiculous excuse for a Satanist. I can't give you anything to fill the void in your life, and neither can Satanism. If you are sour on life, don't blame it on me or my religion. Why do you pay so much attention to Satanism if you don't care? Because, for some unwarranted reason, you've convinced yourself that you do. What a waste of good emotion.

  • "I tried Satanism, but it did nothing for me."

    And, I suspect that you believe that a model airplane builds itself. Satanism didn't disappoint you, you disappointed yourself and can't face the blame you deserve. You don't improve your Satanism, you improve yourself. That's the giant point you missed through all of that hard searching for easy answers in a book. Why not go back to Xtianity? They'll tell you what to do with your life and you won't even have to think."

  • "I really want to join the Church of Satan... I mean, A LOT! I want to be a Priest and be one of you. I want magical powers and a direct phone-line to Satan."

    Go away.

  • "As a representative for Satanism, you do interviews and lectures. Isn't this preaching? And, doesn't this violate your rule of not giving your opinions unless asked?"

    Of course this isn't preaching and it doesn't go against the First Satanic Rule of the Earth. If you open a magazine, turn on your radio, or click on your television and see an interview with a Satanist, you've reached a point where you will either not read or look at it, or you will. If you choose the latter, you have consigned yourself to the information and, by your own actions, have given your non-verbal consent to receive such information about our religion. If you attend a lecture, you have even more so welcomed yourself to our 'opinions.' No one coerced you to attend or read or watch or listen. Assuming that Satanism can be preached is to assume that anyone can be a Satanist, which is grossly false. We know this and wouldn't bother proselytizing like other religions. It would waste our time and we'd have to care, which we don't.

  • "Where can I find a Satanic Grotto in (name of obscure, far-flung corner of the globe) and what are their specific rules, guidelines and aims?"

    Contrary to all of the credit I actually deserve in this world, I do not know every single Satanist, affiliated with the Church of Satan or not, on the entire planet, yet I receive e-mail after e-mail of people who assume me omniscient. If you wish to know whether there is a Grotto in your area in which you can participate, you must do two things: first, join the Church of Satan; second, apply through the CoS for grotto involvement. Only after these two steps will you be put in official contact with a Grotto Master, after which, the GM decides whether or not you are to be included in that specific group. Since every Grotto is different, they will widely vary from one to the other, though united under a few basic guidelines. If you are merely wondering whether there is a group in your area, write to the Church of Satan directly (and not to me) and they will take it from there.

  • "Can you tell me about (random diabolical myth figure from some ancient culture)?"

    No, but you can 1) use a library and 2) use an Internet search engine. It never fails to amuse me how many people out there expect others to hand them education and information on a silver platter. Few ideologies stress more than Satanism the championing of self-assertiveness, of self-achievement and seeking things out for yourself, though anyone who asked the above question is oblivious. If you ask this question to various GMs, Priests, and Magistri, don't be surprised if you are ignored. They're sending you the biggest hint they can, which is to find the info out for yourself.

  • "After reading the FAQ and looking over your website, I want you to give me MORE. Would you answer my long list of questions?"

    No. What I will tell you (much like in the last paragraph) is to do the research work yourself. If you have REALLY read The Satanic Bible and related books, critically read some of our better magazines, and really paid attention to the websites with legitimate information on them, then you have MORE than enough of a jumpstart. (What do you think those pre-Internet folks such as us did? We actually took the initiative and worked for what we know. Don't be exactly surprised if we don't jump to your beck and call every time you have a question.) The rest is up to you. Apply what you know and see what happens. It is not the job of any CoS member or administrator to hold your hand and lead you down the Left-Hand Path. That journey is a solitary one, as any true individual knows.



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