
Nov. 25, 2002

Subj: you're no better...�
Date: 11/25/2002 5:22:57 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

what did jesus ever do to you? yes, i admit. i myself have often been pestered by those who call themselves "christians", but what good does it do to moan, mock, and torment people as stubborn as the christian people? they will only bother you more. why do they so often snap at you with their tracts, prayers, and weakly supported ideas? because you egg them on. i do recall, from the days of my infantile youth at preschool, hearing a phrase from my unloving parents everytime i was sent home for throwing fits because i was teased. i believe it went something like this:

"sticks and bones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."

now, i do believe this phrase holds much truth. words are but ideas thrown about at each other which don't have to be taken to heart. they only sting if you allow them to do so. now, let us replace the part that says "words" with "christian's and their ideas." once again, these things will only bother you if you are so WEAK AT HEART as to let them bother you. i myself have grown up in a house that consisted of two parents who i did not enjoy, three sisters of all ages, and a HARD-ASSED christian grandmother who dragged me to church each and every sunday of my childhood. i don't know if you grew up in a "christian" environment such as the one i did, but i will tell you from experience, it. was. hell. being dragged to a distant building filled with people you don't know but must be friendly with anyways, wearing an itchy and uncomfortable dress, and receiving ungodly headaches because of the undying sunlight were not things i enjoyed as a small child. church caused me extreme agony, my little sister her front tooth, my older sister all her faith in what she once knew, and my youngest sister... well, nothing. she still attends church with my grandmother but she is young. i learned nothing from this experience. nothing but these two things: a.) christ was the only decent christian and b.) most christians are evil, hypocritical people who will leave you alone if you are quiet with them and don't argue.

one question for you. are you better than this percentage of christians? are you smarter? are you more independent? are you more morally excepting; open to other people's opinions? good, then next time one of them tries to tell you that your shirt is offensive then don't post a picture of christ being nailed to the cross, (this is just as childish as inflicting "your momma" jokes) just smile in the knowlegde that you are better than them. you are leading a better life and you are not a sheep who will die in fear of what damnation their god has supposedly chosen for their eternal soul. but please leave christ out of it. my thoughts on christ are that he was probably just a crazy person who thought that the idea of everyone being nice to each other was a good one. yes, things might have gotten out of hand and yes, he may have died in vain, but if you hate christians and their behavior, attacking their idol is no way to prove your point. it only makes you seem as lowly as they.

in conclusion, what you believe to be intellectually expressing your point of how you oppose the christian faith (which MANY of us do) only makes you seem rather obnoxious, ill-minded, and overall annoying to the rest of us "non-believers". just because you oppose christianity doesn't mean you have to go support the stereotypes for atheists world wide. you're just helping christians close the gap between atheists and satanist. shirk my reply all you want, but you know just as much as i do that if you carry on with this obnoxious behavior then you will get another million e-mails such as this, very few as intellegent as this and very few from a non-christian point of view. i don't think ANY athiest wants that life. i bid you adieu.

caitlin mitchell

� Wow, did I touch a nerve in you or what? Glad to see my site is paying off.

� Now my response:

� Maybe you should stop taking my site so seriously? Or maybe you should stop telling others what to publish, or not publish, on their web site? If you don't want to poke fun at christians and lead a silent life away from them, by all means do it. If it's what fits you, then go with it. I do what suits me and, well, you're looking at it.

� And if you truly feel my site (or my attitude) is in any way, shape, or form obnoxious, then you have the complete freedom to turn the dial, change the channel, or in this case ... read another web site. I'm not forcing you to read what I publish, so step off ye' old high horse. I don't represent the masses of "non-believers", nor do I want to. We "non-believers" are supposed to be individuals, correct? So why should I conform to your train of thought and do what you feel is right? It would make the world boring, no?

� In conclusion, so what if some other "non-believers" don't like my web site? To put it mildly: Fuck 'em. For every 1 person who can't stand my site, I have 3 more who can. And besides, I started this thing out, and continue to run it, for me and me only. So why should I really care if other "non-believers", or even "believers", find me obnoxious?

� If you don't like what I have to say, then don't come to my site. It's as simple as that.

� -fondly,
� Atheist Diary



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