
Oct. 29, 2002

� And now a message from a Christian:

� I would like to welcome the Christian visitors with a special note.

� In the last week, I've noticed that a lot of Christians take serious offence to this site. I have just a few things I would like to say in response to several of your arguments.

� Yes, this is an atheist site. Yes, it denies God. If you are a Christian, why on earth are you visiting an Atheist site in the first place? Do you make it a habit to visit things that go against your own beliefs? Do you visit Muslim, Buddist, or Hindu sites? Do you make a point to tell them that they are all going to hell for not believing the way that you do, like many of you have done here?

� Also, if you are a strong Christian, this site should not scare you so bad. If you really were strong in your beliefs, then nothing stated here would phase you.

� Thirdly, I would like to state that the Bible says, "Let he among you who is without sin, cast the first stone."
Yes this site is a sin, but you are a sinner too. And his road is yet fully walked...don't throw stones.

� Fourthly, the Bible also says, "Judge not, lest ye be judged." God will judge him. Leave it that way. Don't throw your two cents in.�

� Fifthly, you, as a Christian are supposed to be an example. If you are ranting and raving at someone, what makes you think they are going to want to be like you. If you are telling them that they are going to hell, what makes you think they'll want to convert to a religion where it's all hell fire and brim stone if they are not saints like you think you are???

� For once in your sheltered, intolerant lives, try not to bash, yell, point fingers, or condemn people. It just makes them hate Christianity even more.

� Sincerely...a Christian (and an avid reader of AtheistDiary.com)



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