
Dec. 13, 2001

"Hi there. My name is Skylar and I am 14 years old. I can see why you would hate the churches near you,I mean, woah. pretty radical weirdos huh? However, have you ever been to a church? I think your pretty open-minded.. aren't you? yes. Ok, I have a couple questions for you.. one) I'm a skater/punk/freak and me and my friends hate that WE can't keep our own cool style because the preppies take it over.. any advise.. and 2) What should I do if I really like somebody but one of my friends like him too? SHould I blow her off or what? OK, bye

* Skylar *
p.s. I realize your not the advise queen and I'm sorry, but I really need it!"

�Nor am I the advice king (hint, hint), but I'll do my best here.�

�The previous church editorial was not written by me, but by an online acquaintance. If he gives permission, I will list his name and/or email address if anyone would like to contact him. I, myself, live in southern California, and not anywhere near him.

�Have I been to church? I've been to a few of them. I was even kicked out of one for questioning god's will and telling the lady who was trying to save my soul for jesus that "god's will sucks". It's a long story involving their belief in animals not having souls or a right to go to heaven and myself not liking that idea very much. I was about 12 years old at the time.
�As a foot note to this, I am a card carrying member of the Church of Satan. So I am affiliated with a church. Just not the kind that believes in, or worships, the christian god.

As for your questions:

�1) Just do your own thing and fuck what everyone else does. I have been labeled with the term "goth" ever since I was 16 (I'm 25 now) because I constantly wear all black. Even to this day I still do. I like the color, I like how I look in it, so I wear it. I did it before it was trendy, I did it when it was in vogue with the mansonites, and I'll probably do it till the day I die. And even though people continue to consider me gothic, I still wear all black because it's what I want to do. I could give 2 shits less about how they feel. You only live life once ... might as well live it for yourself.

2) Love, crushes, infatuation, etc are an interesting thing. They drive people to backstab friends, start wars, bring people together, and drive people apart. I'll give 2 pieces of advice and let you decide what to do from there:

  • All's fair in love and war.
  • Never let love come between a really good friendship. But also, never sell yourself short and let your friend steal that which you most desire.

�Now if you can figure that shit out, gimme a call, cause I'm fuckin clueless.



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